Wednesday, September 19, 2012


1 comment:

  1. the targeting of FDI, which may have quite an inconsequential effect if it at all happens in the first place, is a constipated thought in itself. I see it nothing but a jingoistic agenda to ride on public sentiments. The pathetic condition of the economy has multiple reasons, unfortunately FDI is the juicier one to attract a socialist-capitalist debate, and feed the dead grey cells of an inconsequential segment of the society. Why is there no voice on how the government first decided the wrong rules of 2G allocation, then killed the industry, and eventually used the utterly useless logic to justify why the losses were not mammoth. Why does no one focus on the way dead companies like Air-India go on buying dream-liner? Why do we go mum every time LIC has to pick-up shares of a disinvestment gone bust? Where are the land reforms, the removal of archaic labor laws? Oops! i forgot, all of those lack the Blame America masala... :p
